Sunday, October 28, 2012

Post Conference Follow Up

A HUGE thanks to all of the parents who attended Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. 10 minutes is not always enough time to discuss everything. If you think you need additional time to meet with any of your child's teachers, please email him/her directly.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


There is no spelling test the week of October 22nd. Students should begin studying for the week of October 29th.

The list is always available on

Reading Logs

Students are required to read for 100 minutes outside of school each week. They must complete a reading log and return it to me each Monday. Reading logs must contain the book the read, the number of minutes they read for, and a parents signature. If the student has misplaced a reading log, he/she can write it on a piece of paper.

Beginning Oct. 15th, I am keeping the reading logs that are handed in. This will help me conference with each student about their reading habits, RC quizzes, and book reports.

Parent - Teacher Conferences

Parent - Teacher Conferences begin on October 24th at 4:15.

Conference Procedures:
1. Stop by the office to pick up your child's report card
2. Visit the three 6th grade teachers in any order you'd like
3. You'll have 10 minutes with each teacher to discuss any concerns
4. Specials teachers are available if you'd like to visit with them.

Schedule of conferences:
Oct 24th 4:15pm - 7:30pm (teachers will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30)
Oct. 25th 8:00am - 7:30pm (teachers will break for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00, and dinner from 6:00 - 6:30)

We look forward to conferencing with you.