Book Reports

Book Report Options

1.    Diorama of a major scene in the book and a short 1 paragraph summary of what is happening in the scene. The diorama should be 3-D, and should cover the entire inside of the container.
2.    Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or any other object. Also include a short 1 paragraph summary of this character’s traits and why this character was important to the book. The sculpture will be graded on neatness, while the summary will be graded for content and sentence structure.
3.    Create a model of an important artifact from the book. Also – include a short 1 paragraph summary of why the artifact is important to the book.
4.    Create a monologue to be performed for the class. Monologue must be written and turned in, but notecards may be used as an aid. Monologue should be from the character’s point of view.
5.    Create a skit to be performed for the class. The skit must be written and turned in, and may be used by classmates that you choose to help you perform. It must be practiced outside of class.
6.    Write a song and perform it for the class. The song must be written and turned in, but you may use notecards as an aid to help you perform. You may play an instrument as well. The song will be graded using the same rubric as the monologue.
7.    Write an essay (4-6 paragraphs) detailing the plot, setting, characters, theme(s), and your personal recommendation.
8.    Create a PowerPoint, Animoto project, or video trailer creating an interest in this book for others. Why should we read this book? Remember to not give any big spoilers!
9.    Wordle (1 time only) or Tagxedo (1 time only) – You must include 15 words or phrases that are important to the story. The list of words must be written on the back with the reason you chose them or on a separate sheet of paper. 
10. If you have another idea that isn’t listed here, please check with me first. 
Book reports must be done on books read by students this school year. They cannot be done on a book that was read aloud by a student, a novel study by the class, or a literature circle novel read by a group of students as a class assignment.
Due Dates:
Please turn in your book report on time. I would prefer if they were not turned in more than 1 week early. Each book report should represent a different genre. You have the freedom to choose which genre you choose for each. I do keep track J

                *************All due dates are also early release dates*******************
October 7th
November 4th
January 13th
February 24th
April 6th


  1. The Princess Bride would be a classic, right?

  2. Hi Makayle, you can do your May book report on The Princess Bride :)

  3. Can we do a Prezi for our book report?

  4. For the sculpters, instead of doing a character as person can i do a dog? ~ Autumn R.

  5. Autumn, is the dog a character in your book? If so, yes. If not, come talk with me about your idea tomorrow.

  6. Can you provide a list of genres? Do the book reports have to be done in a different way each month?

  7. Can you provide a list of genres? Do the reports have to be done in a different format each month? Thanks!

  8. Hi Ryane,

    Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Humorous Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Biography, Autobiography, Informational, Poetry, Dystopian Fiction, Folktale, Mythology. I am sure there are some I'm forgetting.

  9. A student cannot do the same type of book report back to back and the Wordle/Tagxedo option is a 1 time only option. Other than that, they can do the same option more than once, just not back to back.
