Saturday, November 3, 2012

Choral Festival - November 16th


The Schedule for the Choral Festival is 

9:00-9:15       students arrive and be seated
9:15-10:25     rehearsal
10:25-10:45   break--water and rest room
10:45-11:15    final rehearsal, including MHS Chamber Choir warm-up and rehearsal
                       “Give us hope”, plus add instrumentalists to other songs.
11:15              open doors for audience to enter
11:30              26th Annual U.S.D. 383 Elementary Choral Festival
12:00              performance complete
                       clean-up, pick-up, load-up

The 27th Annual Choral Festival is set for November 16th at Eisenhower Middle School.

Traditionally, the majority of  6th grade parents have chosen this as an opportunity to take their child out for lunch. We request that any parent wishing to take a student from the choral festival send in a note with their child by November 15th. This helps us to keep track of all the students and where they should be after the event is over.

Because the 16th is an early release day, we will have a sign out sheet available at the choral festival. You will need to sign your son/daughter out if you don't plan to return him/her to school by 1pm.


  1. What are the kids supposed to wear to the Choral Festival?

  2. The Students are supposed to dress nicely. No sweats/workout clothing and shirts without large logos or lettering. Small logos (like on a polo shirt) are fine. Thanks for the question. - Lisa
