Sunday, December 16, 2012

Secret Santa Dec. 17th - 21st

Secret Santa starts tomorrow. Please read for information on what we're doing.

Next week begins our 6th grade “Secret Santa”. The purpose of this activity is to encourage caring and a generous heart during this time. This week should not be about buying gifts each day for the person assigned to you. It should be about showing that you care for your 6th grade classmates.
Though we will have a final Secret Santa reveal on Friday the 21st, and a small gift (either homemade or less than $5) will be exchanged, the rest of the week will be mostly acts of kindness.
Here are some examples of things you could do to make your recipient’s day:
-      Write a kind and encouraging note (Mrs. Julian has some holiday paper)
-      Make a nice acrostic poem out of their name
-      Draw a picture or make a card
-      Go out of your way to help him or her
-      Spend time at recess together
-      Make an origami figure (Mrs. Julian has some origami paper).
-      Give him/her a compliment
I’m sure there are lots of other ways to help brighten someone’s day and you can probably think of more that aren’t on this list.
If buying a gift for the final reveal (the 21st) is not possible, please let Mrs. Julian know right away. I will help in any way I can. Also, if you are going to be out of town and cannot participate, please let me know that as well. I can help you set things up, so that you might still participate, even in your absence.
We’re so excited to see the joy that comes from giving to others shared with every 6th grade student.

Merrily Yours,
Lisa Julian, Carrie Ugrin, and John Wolters

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